Monday, June 02, 2008



Last night Betty literally started to chew through the bars of her crate, so I took her to the vet this morning to make sure she didn't do anything really damaging to herself. I gave her a lower dose of her tranquilizer than I usually do, and I guess it wasn't enough. The vet has since informed me I shouldn't worry about that since the dose I usually give her is just fine and doesn't threaten her health.

Anyway, she didn't hurt herself last night, but while the vet was checking her out she discovered a heart murmur! This is a really recent development, and one that's worrying since the vet said on a scale of 1 to 6 she'd rate Betty's murmur a 3. So not only is it pretty new, but it seems like it might be significant. Now they want me to take her to get an ultrasound, and while that ain't cheap I feel like I have to. I don't want me pup to get sick!

Oh well, so much for my stimulus check. I was really going to try and save it so I had some sort of financial safety cushion, but this is more important.

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