Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Back to Normal.

VH1 Classics was playing some Jackson Browne special last night, so I got to feel all young again...seeing as how I view that guy as ancient. And boring.

Yes, the title of this post has a double meaning, unfortunately I'm too lazy to actually provide any content that would tie that meaning into the actual body of this post. Come to think of it, that title would probably be better used at a later date, but again, I am still too lazy to scroll all the way to the top of this page and change it.

Come to think of it, I'm generally lacking in motivation at all this morning. I think it's because it's getting hot and muggy again. Since I grew up in South Texas I like hot, but I don't think my body developed in such a way as to fully enjoy muggy as well. Unless I'm in New Orleans. Then muggy doesn't seem to bother me at all.

Yes, good morning, welcome to "Tankboy Rambles On and On without really Saying Much." C'mon though, wouldn't you loack motivation if you were surrounded by laziness at this hour? The dogs have already been out,and they've eaten breakfast and now they're both back in bed and asleep. As a matter of fact Betty is snoring just a few feet away from me and I'm not sure why my pounding on my largely defective keyboard has woken her back up yet. She must take after me in the heavy sleeping category.

Did I mention that I'm still waiting for my copy of Rock And Rule. Damnit!

Okay, I'm just starting to sound like some ancient boring dude so I think it's time for me to occupy myself with something else. Do you think I could do a successful base jump offmy stereo? Let's go see.

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