Tonight is not is not one of those nights to “cut back” though. Rudy and I plan on tearing the place apart along with help from new songs by Foo Fighters, Whitey, Son Volt, Billy Corgan, Nine Black Alps, The Warlocks, Bob Mould and yadda yadda yadda. We’ve got a lot of great music, some of which you’ve never heard. Also, I’ll be playing the new Flaming Lips documentary on a few of InnJoy’s big-ass television screens so that will be cool too. I’ve also been informed that in addition to cheap PBR and Stoli drinks, that the burgers are half price when we’re DJing. I love spinning in a place that has food earlier in the evening.
Also, as an added bonus we’ll be back at InnJoy this Friday! Photogal is out of town so expect me to get all silly and play Kelly Clarkson, Black Flag, Stevie Wonder and The White Stripes. Probably all at the same time. It’ll be fun, I promise.

Photogal is totally thinking, "Did you see what my boyfriend wrote up there?
Betty the Beagle surprises even herself.
Last night we were out back barbecuing and enjoying the early Summer evening when all of a sudden both Betty the Beagle and Lucy the Dog started freaking out and digging and pawing at a certain segment of the fence. All of a sudden Betty's head darted into the bushes and whipped back out with a big furry thing in her mouth. My initial response was, "How am I going to get that big dead rat out of her mouth?" Before I had even finished my thought, though, she had dropped her parcel on the ground and backed away from it. I moved in for a closer look since this was decidedly odd behavior. Usually such a discovery on Betty's part would lead to a grand chase -- a la The Blues Brothers -- around our backyard filled with much yelling, cajoling and offering of treats in exchange for whatever dead thing was in her mouth.
Well lo and behold what Betty had found was a baby possum! We have a mama and a baby living in our garage and just haven't been able to bring ourselves to evict the new family. They stay away from the dogs, and Photogal was afraid of breaking up their family if they got caught separately, so we've just kind of let them be our neighbors for now. At first I was all bummed because I was afraid Betty had killed the little critter but then it dawned on me that when Betty had pulled the possum out of the bushes it hadn't really looked like she had chomped down on it. And she dropped it almost immediately.
Upon closer inspection it was discovered that the baby possum was indeed "playing dead." I admit that I thought that was pretty freakin' cool. So I rounded up the pups and brought them inside and Photogal and I sat in the dark and watched the little guy. After about ten minutes the possum slowly sat up and looked around. After another five it must've felt safe enough and oh so slowly it got up and started to move towards the bushes, picking up steam until it was at a full gallop by the time it reached the end of our yard. Fit as a fiddle. What an astoundingly resourceful little creature!
I know if something ten time my size had me in its jaws the chances of me keeping my cool and just "playing dead" instead of screaming my head off like a two year old that's seen his first cockroach would be rather slim. Nature is way cool.
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