WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME OF THIS?!Rock And Rule is finally out on DVD?! How did I miss this?!
This movie along with
Streets Of Fire made the biggest impact on me vis a vis the rock and/or roll when I was a little kid. I mauled the comic-book version of the film through too much handling since I would read and re-read it constantly. I kept flipping between idolizing Omar and Mok but could never make up my mind decisively. I've had the VHS version of this for years but rarely played it since it would have been impossible to replace since there were so few in existence.
And now it's out and I can watch it over and over and over again? Let's just say Photogal picked just the right time to skip town since now she won't have to look at me planted in front of the DVD player for hours on end this weekend.
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