- The new Coldplay album doesn’t suck. But then again it’s not exactly groundbreaking. I think Thom Yorke hit the nail on the head when he described them as “lifestyle music.” Also, it must suck to be them and kept from hitting the number one spot on the singles chart by a ringtone written by a frog. Ouch!
- Another greatly anticipated disc is the new White Stripes. It took me a while to formulate an opinion on this since the sound was a shock to the system at first since the piano seems to be more of a lead instrument this time around. I’ve decided it works though. Really really really well. It’s nice to see musicians that still like to tale chances even though their record company is probably less than happy since the most obvious single from this disc sounds like an Electric Six outtake. Don’t worry though Mister Label, “My Doorbell” is a certified jammy and should do well on the charts.
- Remember when this was primarily a music blog? Neither do I. That was a really long time ago.
- I was at a rock and/or roll barbecue last weekend and the primary topic of conversation was the new Star Wars movie. So much so that I had to go out and see the movie the next day just so I could keep up with socializing with some of my friends. (By the way, the movie didn’t suck and the image of a legless dude crawling burning through coals was pretty fucking disturbing. Not a movie for the young ‘uns. There were plenty of problems with the flick but at this point I’m willing to let bygones be bygones.) I later realized how most folks would be shocked if they knew that my friends and I were talking about Star Wars instead of doing copious amounts of blow off a hooker’s ass. Sorry to disappoint.
- I’m going to see the doctor today for my yearly physical. She’s mean. I’m not looking forward to her yelling at me for still smoking. I am looking forward to a pat on the back for exercising so regularly. I am not looking forward to having to turn my head and cough.
- What’s going on this weekend? I’ll be seeing The Hold Steady in Milwaukee Friday night but Saturday is wide open. Maybe I should just stay in and watch the new Flaming Lips documentary I bought last week. Now how can I convince Photogal it’s an art flick or Merchant Ivory yarn so she’ll join me?
- Two New York bands I’ve heard a lot about (Benzos, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah) have new discs coming out. Neither is especially good. If The Bravery are carbon copies of carbon copies, then these other two are tracings of carbon copies of carbon copies that are carbon copies of a low resolution scan. Harmless fun to be sure, but also proof the New York retro New Wave/dance-rock scene may be wearing a bit thin. If you want to dance go out and buy the new Maximo Park instead.
- And finally, we here at the corporation leave you with this:

Enjoy your day.
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