So we’re on day five of Photogal being out of town and I have to admit it was a heckuva weekend. Friday and Saturday seemed more like one long day split up by a few hours of napping and watching a few DVDs on the couch. I certainly succeeded in keeping myself occupied, that’s for sure. The funny thing is that even as I’ve surrounded myself with friends and kept myself bust with carousing, DJing, going to see bands and basically acting the drunken fool I find that I still feel lonely. I suffer from a deep ache that all the bourbon and rock and/or roll and all that other stuff can’t erase. I realize that I really miss Photogal and all of my shenanigans are just my way of trying to distract myself long enough to not miss her. I’m not saying I haven’t had fun over the last few days because I certainly have, but at the same time there’s a twinge of sadness that I think has informed almost everything I’ve done since she left town.
The other thing is that I have a hard time sleeping alone in our bed when she’s not here so I tend to fall asleep on the couch, surrounded by the dogs, watching VH1 Classic. The upswing of this is that I get up pretty early. The downside is that my neck and back no longer belong to a nimble teenager and I’m paying the price for that.
Man, it’s Monday isn’t it? Crap. I so don’t feel like going to work already…so to take my mind off that I think I'll just look at a picture Photogal snapped while she was out of town a few weeks ago doing business in Florence,

Awesome, no?
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