I squinted in the darkness and picked out our LCD clock and responded, "No, it's three o'clock in the morning. I don't usually get up for another two hours."
"Oh, sorry."
It was all over though. Between my own chest/sinus cold, Betty the Beagle's snoring, Photogal's sleep-deprived tossing and turning and Betty the Beagle's snoring it grew rather obvious that I was getting no more sleep. So here I am. Better throw on some of that African espresso Photogal brought back forme from Kenya and get my day started...
¹For the record the movie was long on creepy and short on pay-off. However I'll watch pretty much anything Jennifer Connelly is in since that means, well, I get to stare at her for a few hours. I feel the same way about Christina Ricci's later (read: post legal...I'm not that much of a perv thankyouverymuch) work. For instance the only thing that made Prozac Nation worth watching (since I loved the book and the movie pretty much butchered it into something completely unrecognizable) was the chance to (finally) see Ms Ricci naked*, even if it was just a slumped over and brooding pose on the edge of a bed.
*Yes, this is completely juvenile. I know.
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