Read this. It will take you all of two minutes and you will be laughing for about two of those minutes.
So Photogal, is my stuff in storage or a landfill? Tell me!
A day filled with possiblities!
This is almost enough to make me want to become a full-time booking agent for these three groups so that this never happens again. How is God's name did three of my favorite local bands get shows booked on the exact same night?! How am I supposed to choose between them?!!!
The Ladies & Gentlemen
Tonight at The Metro
The Assembly
Tonight at Subterranean
Milk At Midnight
How do I choose one over the other? Auuuugh!
Oh wait a minute...tonight is my little brother's birthday too! I have a solution! Since family trumps all rock and/or roll obligations (hard to believe, but true) I will play the "relative's birthday" card and respectfuclly pull out of attending any of the shows. Whew, that was close. You're on your own though.
The "Last Night Rocked But Now It's Today" Mix
Yup, another mix for your enjoyment. I created this one yesterday before work, hence the title. It was always intended for broad release but I think you can follow the vibe between me waking up and me arriving at the office. So get on with the gettin' on and download this baby!
Another birthday besides my little brother's?!
Yes! Happy birthday Paul!
Snakes...on a motherfucking plane! Again!
Our friend Dan was telling us about his new favorite site on the interweb, Stuff On My Cat, so I was browsing through the pictues, of stuff...on cats, when I came across this one.
This movie is going to outgroos Narnia and Kong put together. It will be 2006's version of KING NARNIA!
Your disturbing image of the day.

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