Too cool to completely recap right now since I'm still on vacation but cool nonetheless. However I have learned one shocking truth about myself that i had absolutely no knowledge of before Saturday night.

I'm not an every day smoker anymore and haven't been for years. But get me in a situation with booze or DJing and I smoke like a chimney. I decided to give up smoking after my birthday and, on the positive side, I'm already noticing beneficial effects like the lack of a sore throat or chest full of phlegm after an evening out drinking. No smoking has also erased the only hangover-like symptom, the sinus headache, I used to encounter so now I am pretty much immune to the dreaded "H" word.
On the other hand, when I'm at a party I need to stay involved with constant conversations since anytime there's a lull and my attention begins to wander, the whole scene turns into a bad Hitchcock movie. All I hear are stabbing violins and all I can see in clear focus is every cigarette at the party making their way to their hosts lips and vast plumes of smoke erupting from mouths and noses all around me.
Pitiful really.
Oh well, I've made it through the holiday weekend so I know I can handle it. I still refuse to go on the patch or anything like that because, for me personally, I think that's just silly. So let's see. The longest I've gone without smoking in the last fifteen years has been thirty days so if I can beat that I'm basically home free. The hidden plus side? I can be all grumpy and exhibit full tilt male-PMS and get away with it for the next few weeks by blaming it on quitting the smokey-smoke and people will nod their heads in understanding and actually past me on the back. Yeehaw!
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