Writing-wise, I’m fried right now. Really, just absolutely worthless. I feel like a cell phone that’s beeping every two minutes because it really needs to be put on a charger right this second. It’s been a long and extremely busy week and I’m just in a Loverboy mood right now. I have a feeling the weekend will be a lovely chance to recharge since tomorrow I’ll be canoeing up the Fox River during the day and kicking out the jams at TreVia at night. Sunday, sweet sweet Sunday, will probably be spent watching a few DVDs and getting caught up with past issues of The New Yorker. Bliss.

Oh yeah, so tomorrow night – in case I haven’t stressed it enough – Rudy and I will be inflicting our musical tastes on the populace from the DJ booth at TreVia. We’re really excited about this since I’ve been there a few times when friends were spinning and it’s always been a blast. I really want the evening to be memorable so I’m hoping anyone who’s reading this (and lives in the Chicago area) will be kind enough to get all sexy, sweaty and groovy along with us. It really should be a blast.
So, yeah, that’s it. It’s Friday and it’s Friday not a second too soon. Enjoy your weekend kids.
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