Since you've all been such loyal and loving readers recently I have decided to reward you with a post that is heavy on the eye-candy¹ and light on the brain-food. So we lead off with the eternal question that has always plagued I love cake?

Of course I love cake!

Now while I was enjoying that particular birthday cake, my little nephew Alex decided to come down to vivist from the untamed wilds of Canada and we decided it was time to work on our modeling chops. Witness the dual attack of Blue Steel™!

Alex, like his uncle, also enjoys cake. But what does Alex like even more than cake?

You know, speaking of babies, I really have to get downstate to visit my married friends Jim and Gidget. They were in town a while back just to prove that married folks can indeed still be just as sexshay as you or I.

Be still my beating heart! Whilst on the subject of married folks, itseems approproate to add here that two good friends of mine -- hi Gina and John -- recently got engaged! That might even be more exciting than cake. Let me think about that. Hmmm...I really like cake...but I suppose this news is actually more exciting. Anyway, I came across this picture of the Graham Coxon show we all attended a while ago and spotted . Can you spot the groom-to-be?

While on the subject of music -- how's that for a segue -- I shouldn't have to remind you of what's going down tonight, but I will anyway. As always Rudy and I will be spinning at innjoy this lovely evening. I'm sure everyone took it easy last weekend so I expect some rowdiness tonight. Do not let me down. As always we take requests (within reason.) Here's a picture of Dave (is he DJ Yin or DJ Yang...I can never get those two straight) telling me just what he wants to hear right this second!

Dave's so tough. I better play what he wants before he bust a cap in my ass!

Also, check out the new doorlady for the evening. She's vicious so make sure you bring your ID!

Now, don't be confused by the handsome gentlemen in the DJ booth who seems to have taken the place of that blonde, shaggy hippy that was there last week. It's still me...I just got a haircut!
Hubba hubba rowr! Anyway, I'll see you all (who live in the greater Chicago area since I'm reasonable and realize not everyone is going to buy a plane ticket just to see me DJ on a Tuesday (but did I mention I'm also spinning this Friday at innjoy and that is plane-ticket-worthy)) tonight!
P.S. Oh wait, check it out...Kip totally loves cake too!

¹As always, you can click on each photo if you wish to see 'em larger. Some folks like that sort of thing. Especially old people. Not that I'm sayin' your old or anything...I'm just sayin' for the sake of sayin'.
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