Okay, I'm functioning on four hours of sleep (which is okay since I didn't party it up last night and instead just focused on DJing and visiting with friends) and we have folks coming in from out of town tomorrow and I have a million things to do before they get here and before I can get to those million things I have to work an eight plus hour day and work-out before that and in general I just get the vibe I'm going to be running around non-stop like a little kid with a hot-foot all day long so instead of a record of what has gone on or what is on my mind I'm going to just jot down some idseas for future investigation.
- Where have all the good guys gone? A girl's guide to picking up guys in bars and avoiding cheesy post-college quarter-beer dance clubs and the greaseballs that frequent them.
- The philosophy of self-interest/exposure via, now, blogging and, before, other endeavors wherein I explain how the boundaries have naturally risen about what's okay to say and what's not and why it's being said in a pretty public forum in the first place.
- Dear Other Naked Guy at the Gym, I need my personal space and you know it so thanks for being such a cool Naked Guy at the Gym.
- CDs, tapes, tankPOD and me and why LPs will always trail behind.
And here is some reader submitted art -- manipulated by a dear old friend and ex-roommate of mine who has recently stumbled across my verbal nonsense via that mightiest of dectives named Google -- that is just my way of saying happy Wednesday to you.

Wait, that totally gave me an idea for another future post!
- Hi, I'm Tankboy's Evil Twin and I've taken over again! Business up top but party in the back! That's me mutherfuckah! Yeeeeee-haw!
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